A Few Things To Know About Auto Glass Damage And Repairs

22 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The auto glass on your car is made from tempered glass, which means it crumbles rather than breaks into shards. However, it can still be knocked out or damaged by a flying rock if you're dealing with a damaged windshield. If you have a damaged windshield now, have it repaired or replaced as soon as you can. Here's why your windshield is so important and a few other things to know about auto glass. Read More …

Tips For Remodeling The Master Bathroom

23 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you are looking for ways to add value to your home, consider remodeling the master bathroom. Master Bathrooms and kitchens are the safest bet when it comes to remodeling because those are the rooms potential buyers want to find upgrades in. The master bathroom is a space that is used often and people want to enjoy the space and have it feel luxurious. Here are five tips for remodeling your master bathroom and safe ways to spend the money: Read More …

How Buying The Right Glass Shower Enclosures Can Help With Your Bathroom Renovation

2 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Renovating a bathroom can bring a 65 percent to 68 percent return on investment (ROI) for your household. Fixing up your boring shower can be one of the most useful and appreciating improvements that you make. You can design and install a glass enclosure to really give your shower a new life. Below are a few different things you should know about purchasing the best glass enclosure improvements for your home. Read More …

3 Ways To Street Smart Your Windshields From Break-Ins And Rioters

25 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Vehicle thefts and riots cause billions of dollars in damage to vehicles each year. If past demonstrations are any indication, the current racial riots will cause well over $1 billion in property damage. Fortunately, vehicle theft and property damage have been steadily declining over the decade.  Fortified windshield glass is locking out many thieves. The following are three ways protective glass can protect your vehicle.  Install Unbreakable Glass  Whether a demonstrator or gorilla is smashing and jumping on your windshield, this glass is designed to be nearly impossible to break. Read More …

Factors To Assess When Choosing Commercial Window Film

19 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The windows are an important component of your commercial building. If you're looking to enhance them, consider putting a film on them. Choosing the right film will be easy too if you actively assess these factors. Energy-Efficiency One of the better reasons to invest in film for your building's commercial windows is the ability to improve their energy-efficiency. The blackened film will help reduce heat, which means interior temperatures will stay a lot cooler during the hotter days of the year. Read More …